Making Space Together

Persona Positive Energy Districts

Why the answers to transport poverty lie primarily with inclusive and compact living (in Dutch)

Greening strategies for spatial planning (in Dutch)

Energy transition as a catalyst for spatial and socio-political transformation

ZINE 2 The Feminine City Unravel (in Dutch)

ZINE 1 The Feminine City Discover (in Dutch)

Working differently on living (in Dutch)

Skate De Stad magazine (in Dutch)

De kracht van de plek (in Dutch)

Sociale Buurten (in Dutch)

Coöperatief wonen in Vlaanderen (in Dutch)

Anticiperen op leegstand (in Dutch)

Belevingsonderzoek compact wonen (in Dutch)

Gedragsstudie: Nabijheid van voorzieningen versus verplaatsingsgedrag en woonplaatskeuze (in Dutch)

Belevingsonderzoek naar beïnvloeders bij woonveranderingen en niet-veranderingen (in Dutch)

Onderzoek naar de socio-culturele waarde van erfgoed in Vlaanderen (in Dutch)

Draaiboek 'Speelplaatsen ontwerpen' (in Dutch)

Handleiding Stadsgebouwen (in Dutch)

Ruimtelijke lessen uit de coronapandemie: tendensen, scenario's en uitdagingen (in Dutch)

Bos- en boomstructuren in het (sub)urbane gebied (in Dutch)

De beweegscans (in Dutch)

Towards a movement-friendly city : lessons from activity scans of five neighbourhoods in Antwerp, Belgium

Ruimtelijke veiligheid (in Dutch)

Let's buy the Police Tower

Space for Art – case #5: Wij kopen samen den Oudaan

From activists to social entrepreneurs

Valuating narrative accounts in planning processes

Ambiguity as agency

The Politics of Nostalgia in Urban Redevelopment

Learning by doing

Ten key commandments: Paper on the future of our churches

OASE #104: The Urban Household Of Metabolism

Living in diversity

The Quest for Uncertainty. Decolonizing the Future in Urban Planning.

WTC: A Love Story

WTC: Tower Teachings

Webinar Housing cooperatives

Creating room for socially innovative planning

Participation and coproduction planning

Design in Dialogue

Gross National Happiness

Never underestimate the translation from the social to the spatial